Partnering with CRUZ Foundation

The CRUZ Foundation is built on the principle of never borrowing funds from any financial institution, but instead allows God to work through His people by making donations, which are tax deductible.

Ongoing structured fundraising will contribute to the overall success of the Love Village.

Support required as follows:

  • Volunteers who are willing to invest skills, experience, time and effort.
  • Property to develop.
  • Funding to set up the Love Village, run the ongoing maintenance and to support those who cannot pay for accommodation in kind or money.

If you would like to partner with us by offering your skills, experience, time, effort or property, please contact us.

Giving Options

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7 

Direct Funds Transfer

Give by electronic funds transfer (EFT) payable to

CRUZ Foundation Trust

First National Bank (FNB)

Plumstead Branch (250655)


Account No: 62540795872

Online Giving

Give online with a secure payment gateway

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